This privacy policy applies to all online visitors to our website. We collect their information through different methods to collect user data through Dr. Driving Mod APK. We Protect your Personal Information when you play the game or interact with our services.
Our privacy policy is updated periodically, and we have made significant changes. We will regularly communicate this policy on our site or by email to our users through notices.

We collect information to improve our services and then use it for user authentication and other statistical purposes. We do not share this information with third parties but, in some cases, with service providers and other trusted partners. Analyzing user feedback, including user experience, comments, and troubleshooting.  We collect data from the user and improve our services, including our website, games, etc.

We promptly update the policy by introducing new features, technology ownership, and corporate structure to keep users informed. Legislative changes to this policy include data protection, technological developments, and compliance updates.
When you access our services, we collect specific details about your device type—a computer, phone, or tablet—along with the IP address associated with your account credentials.

We encourage parents and guardians of the children to participate and focus on your children and their online Activities.
Dr. Driving Mod APK does not collect information from children under 13.  If your child provides information on our website, I advise you to contact us immediately, and we will delete this information immediately.

Dr. Driving APK collects data from user activity and behavior, such as Levelling up missions in different ways and Consumer purchases of Cosmetics and other products. It also corrects the technical cause of the user experience and Loading time in different Devices.
The user must help the developer spend money on monetization Strategies. If you are a California resident, you can request Information About the sources and categories from which Information is collected.