How to play and Download Dr. Driving APK 1.70 as a beginner

If you’re starting as a beginner and want to play this game to become an expert, don’t worry. This article will guide you through everything you need to know.
If you are playing this game for the first time, you must be familiar with its basic gameplay and all its features.

Many people find it exciting to learn how to play this game as a beginner. There is no rocket science behind it; follow simple steps and play your game.
This game has many followers and has gained popularity worldwide, so many people play it on their mobile, laptops, and iOS devices. Play this game repeatedly with your friends and become a skilled driver.

  • If you are a beginner player looking to learn how to select a vehicle, download and install the Dr. Driving Mod APK on your device. Then, as a beginner, go to the game’s home screen and tap the Vehicle icon. Choose the favorite vehicle that you want.
    You can drive your chosen vehicle against your opponents and with your friends in this mission, and then you can select another car for any other mission. It is up to you.
Select the vehicle to play dr driving as a beginner.
  • Choose your favorite mission, such as the Drift or Fuel Mission.
    By clicking on the positive sign on the screen, keep the condition of your vehicle at 100 percent so that you don’t face any difficulties in driving.
    Before driving your vehicle, you must check whether your vehicle’s condition is 100 percent. If not, you must use coins to keep it in 100 percent condition to complete your mission quickly.
choose your Mission in Dr. Driving
  • You have to start your car by clicking the start button on the right side of your screen.
    When you click on the Start button, your mission starts. You must drive your vehicle against your opponents to reach your endpoints and complete your mission.
Click the play button to start the Dr. Driving game
  • You must drive your car safely using the steering wheel, brake, and accelerator.
    You should also pay attention to the mirrors while driving to avoid collision with other vehicles.
    While driving, you must also focus on the timer to determine the distance you must cover in terms of time.

Each vehicle has a fuel tank and a limited amount of fuel, so you have to monitor your fuel while driving.

High or low fuel consumption depends on your driving style, how fast you drive, whether your speed is fast or slow, and how much fuel your car stores.

The fuel gauge on your screen shows how much fuel your car has and how much further distance you have to cover.

In this game, you can upgrade your car because upgrading is an essential part of the game. You upgrade your car to improve your speed and ability to drive smoothly.
I suggest that if you play this game, you upgrade your car so that you don’t have any problems with the driving level.

The user interaction includes:

  • Steering wheel and Accelerator:
  • You have to use the on-screen Accelerator and steering wheel to drive your car against your friends and opponents to reach your destination.
  • Focus your routes:
  • Follow the lines on the road and traffic rules to drive your vehicle and avoid collisions yourself.
  • Pause Dr. Driving:
  • When you stop your car temporarily, click on the pause icon, and then you can start it again.
  • Different missions:
  • Different missions in Dr. Driving APK and Traffic Racer games require unique skills to master. You can check your driving skills in various missions of the doctor driving game.
  • Engagement:
  • The Multiplayer mode in Dr. Driving keeps the player engaged with the game.
  • Scoring:
  • Your score in the Dr. Driving game depends on your speed, car handling, and car-turning ability.
    You can see your driving score on the screen at the end of the game.
  • Alternative:
  • Don’t worry if you want to play an alternative game to Doctor Driving; play Extreme Car Driving Simulator with your friends and opponents.

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